ACHE of MA Early Careerist Networking Virtual Fellowship Advancement Informational Session

ACHE of Massachusetts Early Careerist Network presents:  "Virtual Cocktails & Credentials: Fellowship Advancement and Networking" Tuesday, April 13th  6:00pm - 7:00pm  Grab your favorite beverage and meet executives in healthcare who have obtained their FACHE credential. In the hour, you will learn more about how the FACHE credential distinguishes you as a respected and recognized healthcare leader […]

Responding to the Pandemic – A Virtual Behind the Scenes of Pfizer’s Race to Develop a Vaccine with Ed Harnaga, SVP, Pfizer Communications

From the early pandemic, through Operation Warp Speed, and up to present day. This interview with Ed Harnaga, SVP, Pfizer Communications provides an engaging perspective into the time line and story working with and briefing key stakeholders, from DC and State Officials to the media, on the development of Pfizer’s vaccine. Advance questions can be […]

WEBINAR: Managing Up in a Virtual World, hosted by ACHE of MA ECN and MHA

      Join ACHE of MA’s Early Careerist Network (ECN) and Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association (MHA) for a virtual panel “Managing Up in a Virtual World” on Thursday, July 29, 5:30pm - 7:00pm.  Join ACHE of Massachusetts ECN and MHA for a live panel discussion to help healthcare professionals learn how to take […]

Embracing a Dialogue about Gender Equity and Intersectionality: A Virtual Face to Face Credit Session

As healthcare consumers become more demographically diverse, healthcare leaders seek to recruit and retain talent from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Gaining an understanding of intersectionality will equip leaders to build and retain team members across difference and in ways that establish common ground and cultivate inclusive cultures of belonging. The concept of intersectionality recognizes that […]